I’m a tech guy, I love to use technology for all sorts of things, this includes bible study!

I’ve been using various bible study software since around 2001, started with Wordsearch, and purchased a few others over the years as well.

Earlier this year I purchased an Accordance collection and it quickly became my main software for bible study and research.

There’s a lot to like about this software, tons of functionality, but in this video I just wanted to share of a few of the reasons I use it pretty much every day.

I like a clean interface, I like powerful tools, and I like when technology works fast while staying out of the way….all things that Accordance handles without any issues.

Plus, I had to deal with their customer support when upgrading from free to a paid package due to some of my resources not showing properly, and they not only got on the phone with me, but connected to my computer remotely to help out.  Trust me, as a former IT guy, I can really appreciate that!

Do you use Accordance? Do you use any other bible study software?

You can try out their Lite version for free as well https://www.accordancebible.com/

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I saw someone post the statement that the true purpose of a minister is to reach the lost, not focus on those that already believe.

He asked for thoughts on the statement, and while mostly everyone agreed, I didn’t think it was such a cut and dry choice.

I honestly believe it is both, ultimately the most important duty of a minister is to be led by the Spirit of God…period.

It isn’t us that converts or convicts anyone, that’s the job of the Holy Spirit.

Our duty is to make ourselves available to be inspired, led, and used as Christ sees fit.


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In 2 Corinthians 3:14,  Paul is explaining the contrast between the fading glory of the ministry of the old covenant (law) and the everlasting glory found in the new covenant (Christ).

He explains how the veil remains and hearts remain hardened when the law is read. This isn’t simply talking about the act of reading, but really about the upholding, study, and overall meditation and adherence to the law without understanding its purpose of pointing to Christ, through whom we have a much more excellent covenant.

It is important to understand no one gains this knowledge on their own, we can’t remove our own veil, only through Christ can we gain proper understanding and see the full glory in the new covenant. This chapter was instrumental in helping me understand the message of the new covenant and also helped to keep me humble by realizing that only by His Spirit am I able to comprehend the glory of His covenant.

It’s easy to forget that any knowledge we have about Christ is a gift, so when He makes something understandable it’s tempting for us  to get frustrated when others can’t see it.  This scripture serves as a reminder that we are not the ones who reveal or open the hearts of anyone, but that we should be faithful in sharing the truth of Christ and let His Spirit do the rest.

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It’s very easy to seek praise when helping others or being involved in charity. This shows the wrong motives for helping in the first place.

Make sure when you’re helping you’re not doing it to be seen by others, Christ deals with the motives of this in Matthew 6: 1-5

Let’s be sure to stay on guard and not fall into the trap of pride and public praise.

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Many times as Christians we can overlook unbiblical teaching or decide not to stand on the truth we have been shown because we don’t want to disrupt our fellowship.

We can be more concerned with belonging or being a part of something than we are with the truth and identity found in Christ.

I just want to encourage you that it’s ok to stand out for the truth, it’s ok to go against the norm, and that we are not called to fellowship just for the sake of it, but fellowship in Spirit in and in truth is extremely helpful and encouraging in the life, walk,  and faith of a believer.

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