One thing I’ve noticed over the years is that when we study the bible it is important to  make sure we allow it to speak for itself and inform our understanding instead of trying to make what the bible teaches fit into our favorite doctrine, theological movement, or denominational understanding.

If we come to the bible with a specific understanding or interpretation already in place, it is easy for us to miss what is meant to be communicated because we are trying to make it fit what we already think it should say.


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The Bible is full of teaching on various topics and instructions on how Christ intends for his church to operate.

One such teaching is the fact that He instructed that no one should be called rabbi, father, etc.

In Matthew 23:8-10, He is speaking to His disciples and the crowd that has gathered, informing them not to follow the ways of the Pharisees and how they do things to be “seen by men”.

Outside of the specific terms being used (there are entire religions built upon using these terms Christ speaks against), there is also an underlying message He is presenting.

Do not put yourself, or allow anyone to be put in a position of authority in your life that only belongs to God!

We have one Teacher, we have one Father, we have one Instructor…God

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Many Christian churches, ministers, and pastors teach that Christians are required to pay tithes to the church according to the laws established under the old testament/old covenant.

In reality, the Bible does not actually say this at all…the truth in Christ is much more freeing than the legalism and tradition taught by many.

In this video I discuss a few basic questions in relation to tithing.

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As an entrepreneur and advocate of self employment, getting a job doesn’t seem to make sense for me.

However, in this season of God’s will for my life that’s exactly what I did!

I explain in this video why I did it and what purpose God has used it for in my life. It may not be what you think, but this is just me sharing how He is working with and in in me currently.

I have no clue how long this season will last, I’m just trying to be obedient and learn all that God wants to teach me through this experience.

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God established the Sabbath as a day of rest or “ceasing” from labor and works, and there is a message in this!

Many use this as a day of worship, generally on the “seventh day” or Saturday, while some Christians refer to it as Sunday. However, the Sabbath was not implemented as a day of worship but as a day of rest and for a specific reason.

Hebrews 4:9 further explains that the purpose of the Sabbath was to point to the finished work of Christ. This fact means that believers in Christ no longer have to work, toil, or labor under the Mosaic Law in efforts to make themselves right with God. Christ makes us right with God, therefore we “cease” to work and labor under the law trying to become right with God, this is why He and He alone is our Sabbath.


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